
Zetty - Love & Friendship Test

“Does my crush like me back?”
Zetty is an app that can analyze relationship status and guide users in better directions for better relationships and friendships. We utilize the data from the WhatsApp conversation between the two through AI technology that calculates possibility rates and detailed results in pictures and guides that the users can easily view and understand.
Have you ever wondered if the person you are into likes you back? Test out how much the two of you are into each other with our ‘Love Test’! With our AI technology, Zetty will calculate the possible rates between the two of you with your actual WhatsApp conversations to see if you are made for each other or if it’s just a crush.
Did you ever think about how your friendship is developing? Perhaps you never quite thought deeply about your friendship even though you spend a lot of time with them. Then, why not take this opportunity to reflect on your friendship with a particular friend? Zetty will analyze your WhatsApp conversations and show you fun details like the number of hours you spent chatting or each other’s most used emojis and more!





If you have any suggestions or feedback, please email us at
 2023 Scatter Lab.